Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Basic Marketing Plan- Cell Phones Essay

We are the #1 maker of cell phones in the world and we are also aiming for the top of the nascent mobile Internet market. Our products are divided primarily between three divisions: devices (handheld device manufacturing); services and software (consumer Internet services and products); and markets (supply chains, sales channels, and marketing). Our wireless network products business is operated in partnership with Siemens as Nokia Siemens Networks; the joint venture is the #3 player in the wireless networking equipment market behind Ericsson and Alcatel-Lucent. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES THREATS AND OPPORTUNITIES MARKET STRATEGY Our goal is to re-emerge into the US Market by re-inventing our marketing mix and strategy. The first step will be to revamp our image in the US by altering the current perception of our phones. We need to reposition ourselves in the marketplace as the leader in high quality, contemporary phone devices. When deciding how we would re-invent ourselves we looked at several options. The first option we explored were licensing agreements with other phone manufacturers. We decided not to choose this option because of the strong manufacturing channels we already have in place all across the globe. We also did not want to risk having our name associated with phones that were not of an extremely high quality for fear that this could lower our reputation in the US even more. Another option we evaluated was to enter into a partnership with a DSL phone service provider such as Vonage. We were exploring the option of developing a new break through Voice of IP service but after discussion we deciding this would not allow us to focus on our core products, which are handheld devices. POSITIONING STATEMENT In the US we are currently perceived as a cheap, outdated phone that is only suitable for the very young or the very old. To the Savvy and Technologically inclined consumer we are seem as an overly simplified phone that doesn’t have all of the latest features. Most often the US consumer is not willing to pay top dollar for a Nokia phone so they only get one if it’s given away free with a contract. This perception of us needs to change. We need to reposition ourselves as the world’s leader in handheld cellular devices. We need to expose consumers to our new phones with break through features. We need to bring back consumer confidence so that they believe our phones are stylish, durable, reliable and top quality. We also want consumers to feel as if Nokia is a strong brand name with longevity in the market. We don’t want our phones to be seen as outdated and obsolete so we need to show the US how strong and advanced we are in the R&D department. TARGET AUDIENCE In order to reposition our brand in the US Marketplace we will focus on three specific target audiences. The first being Young Adults aged 17 to 24 and the next being business professionals aged 25 to 40.We will attract men and women alike with various elements that should appeal to both sexes. Our goal will be to launch 2 different campaigns that will gain attention from people in these age groups but from a diverse range of racial backgrounds. The campaigns will be launched nationwide and will focus on showing Nokia in more of an American light with and American attitude. We will go after high school and college students who are interested in having the newest and coolest phone on the market. They will be from an upper class background and influenced by the hot new trends in the fashion, music and technology industries. They will be very image conscious and they want to show that their phone has the newest features. They will be fun loving and exciting individuals with eager and fast paced attitudes. Next we will focus on attracting young and mature professionals aged 25 to 40. This group will be more conservative and business oriented. They will be driven by work and are hoping to move up the corporate ladder. They will typically be from the middle to upper class and highly status conscious. They will not be sensitive to prices, as they will view the phone more as a business tool rather then an accessory. PROMOTION Given the Business objective of re-emerging in the US market and of boosting Nokia’s overall awareness and image as an inspirational brand we will drive the overall brand image through several mediums. Our primary media will be television commercials and our secondary media will consist of magazine ads and sponsorships. We hope to attract the new target audience of 17 to 24 years though the arena of music and television. We will sponsor music concerts and run commercials on cable networks such as MTV and VH1. We will promote sweepstakes were concert tickets and CD’s are given away free To attract our second target audience we will advertise in magazines such as Newsweek and Business Weekly in order to introduce our new phone to in a mature light. We want to appeal to business professionals who are looking to establish themselves and we want them to believe that our phone can help them achieve their goals. PRODUCT STRATEGY Our new product strategy will be to introduce the new Wimax technology to the US through our new phones. In order to take advantage of the Wimax techonology we will need to team up with Sprint who has developed the new faster wireless network. Our new phones will be the only ones available that can access the network at speeds 3 times as fast as 3G. Nokia will receive subscription fees from Sprint while selling the phones to them as a profit. The new technology will allow people to receive internet connection speeds on their phones that are as fast as their cable modems at home. NEW SLOGAN, NEW LOGO With our new phones and our new technology there will also be a new slogan. For the new campaigns we will emphasize that our two new phones are both $200 so the phrase we’ll use will be Two for Two. We will also use the slogan â€Å" Replace your laptop with your Nokia†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Exploring the Relationship Between Mother and Baby Essay

Exploring the relationship between mother and baby in the NICU in relation to nursing support. Abstract Aim -To explore the effect of interaction related to care-giving and information exchange between nurses and mothers in relation to maternal stress and maternal-infant relationship in the newborn intensive care unit (NICU) throughout the hospital stay. Background – Mothers in the NICU experience depression, anxiety, stress, and loss of control, and they fluctuate between feelings of inclusion and exclusion related to the provision of health care to their neonate. This literature review helps to identify nursing interventions that promote positive outcomes between mother and baby by reducing maternal feelings of stress and anxiety. Search Method – A literature search covering the period 2008-2012 was conducted. Five articles reporting both quantitative and qualitative studies relative to the subject were retrieved. Findings – Findings reveal that positive and trustful relationships between nurses and mothers develop when nurses communicate and interact with mothers. This alleviated mother’s anxiety and enhanced their confidence when interacting with their baby. Discussion – Critical analysis as well as strengths and weaknesses of the relative journals reviewed is given together with useful recommendations that emerge from the evidence. Conclusion – The literature reviewed shows that nurse-mother interaction improves mother-infant relationship. In turn, this will eventually assist in decreasing maternal stress and improve the maternal well-being. INTRODUCTION Mothers develop attachment to their baby during pregnancy, which continues and develops more fully after the child is born (Cleveland 2009). However, the pathway to becoming a mother is threatened with the admission of the baby to the NICU. This occurs due to the unfamiliar and intimidating environment of the NICU (Obeidat et al 2009). During the initial admission parents can believe that the healthcare team is more able to care for their baby and this can instill feelings of inadequacy (Cockfort 2011). As a result, maternal attachment may be delayed by the lack of socialisation between mother and baby as most of the care is done by nurses (Cleveland 2009). DeRouck and Leys (2009), found that the parents of an infant admitted to the NICU face challenges including access to information, disclosure about the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of their newborn, as well as a lack of control over the care of their newborn. Adding to this distress is the uncertainty of survival or the eventual impact of the infant’s condition on later health and well-being. In addition, feeling guilty to mother an unhealthy infant creates fear of social prejudice. Further, the structure of the NICU places significant barriers on mothers’ abilities to enact the parental role since decision-making and the daily care of the infant is taken over by medical and nursing staff restricting interactions with the babies stripping off their maternal authority (Cleveland 2009). In fact, when babies are in the NICU, traditional conceptualizations of the parental role are altered. The situation demands heightened parental participation while simultaneously placing severe restrictions on parental involvement. In response, parents need to negotiate this tension and traditional definitions of the parental role, which must be continually redefined throughout their experience What emerges is that the predominant source of distress is inability of the mother to protect the infant from pain and provide appropriate pain management. (Fenwick et al 2008). A lot of procedures cause pain in the neonate creating concerns for the mother, starting from peripheral cannulas, indwelling catheters and intubation to mention a few. In intubated babies, even though morphine infusions are administered, the baby still shows signs of distress during nursing times. In this case, we administer a small bolus of pain relief prior to nursing so that the baby would be more comfortable. Conversely, Fenwick et al (2008) describes factors that contribute to parents’ satisfaction in the NICU. These include; assurance and psychological support, the provision of consistent information, education, environmental follow-up care, appropriate pain management, and parental participation and proximity, as well as physical and spiritual support. Therefore, it is imperative that nurses should do their best to improve the mothers’ sense of confidence, competence and connection with her infant through guided participation (Domanico et al 2011). Johnson (2008) notes that skin-to-skin holding or kangaroo care promotes maternal-infant feelings of closeness, builds maternal confidence, and may be a stress-reducing experience for both the mother and infant. Hence the importance of providing the opportunity for kangaroo care to occur. Hunt (2008), notes that KMC is also crucial to stabilize parameters, such as cardio-respiratory parameters whilst being beneficial for maintaining body temperature. They add that even the incidence of nosocomial sepsis and the duration of hospital stay decreased with practicing KMC. In addition, Ali et al., (2009), found that Kangaroo mother care also showed positive outcomes towards practicing exclusive breastfeeding. Cockfort (2011) notes that, continuity of care needs to be ensured hence the importance of documentation. Therefore, it is suggested that handover should not be rushed, whilst a more comprehensive handover can ensure the smooth transition of care for staff and the family. When parents ask questions relating to their baby they feel assured in the competency of staff when information has been passed on correctly. When information is not shared effectively parents can lose trust and the partnership breaks down. In Malta, even though handover of 2 consecutive days is given, conflicting advice is still given at times due to the nurses’ different view-points. Consequently, this requires ward meetings in order to clarify important issues so that advice given and practice is consistent. In Malta, about 373 babies are admitted yearly (Grech et al 2012). In view of the benefits discussed, nurses should do their utmost to improve the overall experience of the mothers of such babies. Search Method A review of published research consisted of the following steps; broad reading to determine areas of focus, identification of inclusion and exclusion criteria, literature search (appendix 1) and retrieval, critical appraisal and analysis of the research evidence and synthesis of evidence. Evidence was reviewed with the aims of identifying barriers that affect the motherinfant interaction within the neonatal intensive care unit and how nurses can actively support attachment. Articles were included if the setting was primarily in a neonatal intensive care unit (neonatal unit or neonatal intensive care unit) and the participants were mothers of infants admitted to neonatal intensive care units or nurses working within that setting. In addition, All articles were critically analyzed with two primary questions in mind: (a) What are the needs of parents in the NICU? (b) What nursing behaviors support parents in meeting these needs? Articles were also included if they were primary research studies published between 2008 and 2012 and written in the English language. Primary and secondary literature searches were conducted through the EBSCO, ERIC, Sciencedirect and Medline databases. The primary search terms included â€Å"NICU,† â€Å"Neonatal Intensive Care Unit,† â€Å"family support,† â€Å"communication,† â€Å"nurse† and â€Å"early intervention.† The secondary literature search terms included â€Å"nursing support,† â€Å"efficacy,† â€Å"family,† â€Å"communication,† â€Å"support†, â€Å"neonatal† and â€Å"Kangaroo Mother Care†. These terms were used and utilised in all possible combinations to perform an extensive literature search of the above mentioned electronic databases. Thirdly, a review of references was conducted of the identified articles for any further studies. Eighteen articles were found through the search. Six studies met the inclusion criteria of which, 3 were qualitative and 3 quantitative (appendix 2). The subject was limited to the last 5 years. This time frame helps in the getting the most recent experiences since NICU is a changing environment especially as regards to technology which effects the mothers as well as the nurses. Both quantitative and qualitative studies were found. Both qualitative and quantitative research was conducted to identify what is known about the needs of NICU parents and what behaviours support these parents. Both methods of research were included because of the potential for each to contribute to a more complete understanding of this topic. In selecting a research design, researchers should be guided by one overarching consideration: whether the design does the best possible job of providing trustworthy answers to the research questions. One needs to note that both studies have limitations (Cottrell & McKenzie, 2011). In quantitative research, the researcher’s aim is to determine the relationship between one variable (an independent variable) and another (a dependent or outcome variable) in a population (Morrow 2009). In contrast to quantitative designs, qualitative designs do not result in numerical data for statistical analysis (Schira, 2009). In qualitative methods, researchers are interested in interpreting social phenomena and exploring the meanings that people attach to their experiences (Polit and Beck 2010). Moreover, views, attitudes and behaviours may be explored (Wood & Kerr, 2011), through grounded theory as it develops theories that are â€Å"grounded† in the group’s observable experiences, but researchers add their own insight into why those experiences exist. Findings Table 1 includes information about the 5 studies that met the inclusion criteria . Once an infant is admitted into an NICU, many factors account for parental stress. Admission of the infant to the NICU places mothers in a stressful situation where they must cope with the NICU environment and its associated demands. In the study conducted by Parker (2011), a grounded theory approach was used to understand feeling and stressors of 11 mothers whose new-borns were in the NICU. It was found that the early days shock and numbness accompanied feelings of none or little control over their lives. Moreover, all mothers described feeling unprepared for the premature delivery and the sight of their baby in the NICU. Comparative results were found by Lee et al (2009), with regards to the shock experienced with the initial sight of the baby. Everyday unpredictable changes occur leaving no time for adjustment or preparation. Constant fears about the life and death of the baby do not subside and several mothers spoke about their experience of always anticipating the death of the baby. These findings are also reflected in my clinical setting when mothers would be recounting their experience once the baby’s condition improves. This is in line with the findings of Fenwick et al (2009) and Lee et al (2009). In addition, the findings imply that the positive reassurance of the effects of a positive and caring environment and support network between parents and nurses in the NICU is not always evident among every unit. Nicholas-Sargent (2009) found that assurance is the most important aspect to be fulfilled. Her quantitative study of 46 mothers found that the length of stay in the NICU and mothers’ information needs were found to be significantly inversely correlated. Therefore, this suggests that the longer an infant remains hospitalized in the NICU, the less emphasis the mother places on receiving information about the infant’s condition. This shows that the needs of the mothers in the NICU can change over time. My observations match these findings since mothers familiarise themselves and adapt to the situation. Moreover, they would eventually want to be successful with the care of the baby. This is reflected in the grounded theory analysis conducted by Fenwick et al (2008), using semi-structured interviews. They found that the nurse-mother relationship had the potential to significantly affect how women perceived their connection to the infant and their confidence in caring for their infant which occurred through a three way interaction. Being successful in their desire to care for the baby, engendered feelings associated with being a ‘‘real’’ mother. However, not all women in this study were able to successfully employ these strategies. In the situation where the mother perceived herself as ‘‘quiet and unassertive’’, and in a position without any power, it was very difficult to gain the confidence needed in order to be able to openly question, negotiate and direct the care of her infant. Therefore, it is very important to identify these mothers in order to help them by giving them continuous reassurance. This would particularly be required when the situation changes from support needing to encouragement in participation. Lee et al (2009) found that mothers received support from the healthcare professionals and the social networks that mothers made. These helped to create the connections that developed between the mothers and infants making their journey towards parenthood possible. They discovered that challenges are further compounded in Taiwan, where women are traditionally required to practice the cultural ritual which includes confinement to the house with a special balanced diet for the first month postnatal. Lee et al (2009) used the grounded theory approach with in-depth interviews and constant comparison. All interviews were audio-taped and notes were made during and immediately after the interview concerning actions and body language of the mother during the interview. The finding of this study further indicated that the initial sight of the life-support equipment was shocking. The technological environment created a fearful atmosphere, and the medical equipment attached to their infants caused the mothers further physical separation. The mothers indicated that they were so afraid of the equipment that it took them a long time to be able to participate in their infants’ care. In turn, this hampered them from establishing positive mother–infant interactions. Chiu and Anderson (2008), found that preterm births often negatively influence mother–infant interaction due to lack of physical contact. In addition, they found that skin-to skin contact post-birth has positive effects on infant development. These researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) using questionnaires for data collection. In addition, mothers were further video-taped during a feeding session. Ali et al., (2009),highlight the importance of kangaroo care in their RCT where the researchers conducted their study with one hundred and fourteen infants. This study showed that the infants exposed to kangaroo mother care had an increase in rectal temperature compared to conventional care, therefore having a decreased risk of hypothermia. The mean temperature during kangaroo mother care was of 37 degrees Celsius while the mean temperature during conventional care was of 36.7 degrees Celsius. The data collected was through posted questionnaires. Discussion In the 3 qualitative studies found, the data was collected through interviews of which 2 were semi-structured while 1 was unstructured. Parker (2011), Fenwick et al (2008) and Lee et al (2008), used the Grounded theory approach. However, while Parker and Fenwick use semi-structured interviews, Lee uses unstructured interviews. In semi-structured interviews there is a topic guide with list of areas or questions to be covered with each respondent. This technique ensures that researchers will obtain all the information required, and gives respondents the freedom to respond in their own words, provide as much detail as they wish, and offer illustrations and explanations. Lee et al (2009) uses ground theory approach but incorporated with unstructured interviews. Unstructured interviews also known as are flexible but are more time-consuming than semi-structured since the interviewer listens and does not take the lead. The interviewer listens to what the interviewee has to say. The interviewee leads the conversation (Wood & Ross-Kerr, 2011). However, anonymity for confidentiality which is of utmost importance is not possible. When using unstructured interviews, the researchers have to be able to establish rapport with the participant. The reason is that the interviewers have to be trusted if someone is to reveal intimate life information. This may lead to interviewee bias. Also, it is important to realise that unstructured interviewing can produce a great deal of data which can be difficult to analyse. Lee et al (2008) and Fenwick et al (2008) conducted the interviews themselves while Parker (2011) did not, thus reducing the bias. However, interviewer bias occurs even if someone else is conducting the interview. The number of mothers in the study of Lee et al (2008) was adequate since with in-depth interviews 20 participants are enough. However, to account for the small sample, more interviews and observations were done with the same participants in order to reach theoretical saturation. Usually informants are selected for in-depth interviews in a purposive manner questioning the generalizability of the results (Wood & Kerr, 2011). A major controversy among grounded theory researchers relates to whether to follow the original Glaser and Strauss procedures or to use the adapted procedures of Strauss and Corbin (Polit & Beck 2010). Grounded theory method according to Glaser emphasizes induction or emergence, and the individual researcher’s creativity within a clear frame of stages, while Strauss is more interested in validation criteria and a systematic approach. Parker (2011) uses the original Glaser and Strauss (1967) paradigm while Lee et al (2008) and Fenwick et al (2008) use Strauss and Corbin (1998) procedures. One of the fundamental features of the grounded theory approach is that data collection, data analysis, and sampling of study participants occur simultaneously. A procedure referred to as constant comparison is used to develop and refine theoretically relevant categories. Categories elicited from the data are constantly compared with data obtained earlier in the data collection process so that commonalities and variations can be determined. As data collection proceeds, the inquiry becomes increasingly focused on emerging theoretical concerns. All 3 studies use constant comparison. All the above 3 studies use audio-taping for data collection except for Fenwick et al (2008) who used field note documentation as well. Audio-taping enables eye contact to be maintained and to have a complete record for analyses, however, some interviewees may be nervous of tape-recorders. On the contrary, in note taking on the other hand, a lot of eye contact is lost unless a type of short-hand is learnt. However, the interviewer will have plenty of useful quotations for report when transcribing the interview. Randomized controlled trials consist of a complete experimental test of a new intervention, involving the random assignment of a large and varied sample to different groups (Polit & Beck, 2010). The intention of an RCT is to arrive to a judgment as to whether the novelty of an intervention is more effective than the traditional intervention (Polit & Beck, 2010). This intention was well noticed throughout the RCTs chosen by Ali etal., (2009). Wood & Kerr, (2011) sustain that RCTs are the most rigorous method to determine a cause-effect relationship between the treatment and the outcome. Furthermore, RCTs were also described as the gold standard trial for evaluating the effectiveness of a clinical intervention ((Muijs 2010). One of the primary aims of RCTs is to prevent selection bias by distributing the patient, randomly between the two groups, so that the difference in the outcome and results can be justified and attributed only to the intervention under study. Thus, through random selection there is a better balancing of any confounding factors, therefore creating similarity between the groups (Cottrell & McKenzie, 2010). In effect in this literature review, RCTs were found to be useful and beneficial to compare the effect of KMC and conventional care on the physiological aspects of the infant. Ali et al., (2009) chose to add blocking to randomisation so as to ensure a better balance in the number of infants allocated in the groups. These groups were randomized through simple randomization and the disruption of groups was achieved by delivering a concealed envelope technique. Through random sampling, Polit & Beck (2010) explain that each element in the population has an equivalent, autonomous chance of being chosen. However, this design is not used frequently as it is lengthy and may be expensive (Wood & Kerr, 2011). Chiu and Anderson (2008), use mixed methods of data collection by using both questionnaires and video-taped interviews. The use of multiple sources or referents to draw conclusions about what constitutes the truth is called triangulation. This is one approach in establishing credibility as it enables the researcher to counteract the weaknesses in both designs. The use of video-taping provides the most comprehensive recording of an interview since it captures body language, facial expressions and interaction (Gerrish and Lacey 2010). However the interviewee may become uncomfortable and act differently than in normal circumstances questioning the reliability of the data collected. In addition, questionnaires are the main research tools used in quantitative research. They are very advantageous as they can be constructed in such a way as to meet the objectives of almost any research project. In the Family Needs Inventory used by Nicholas-Sargent (2009), the ‘not applicable’ part was removed from the Likert scale in order to report definite opinions. Questionnaires can measure the participants’ factual knowledge about a certain subject or an idea or else they can be used to explore opinions, attitudes or behaviours (McNabb, 2008). Moreover, questionnaires are also less expensive than most other research instruments and are also less time-consuming . Self-administered questionnaires provide the participants with anonymity, and responses are not affected by the interviewer’s mood or presence (Wood & Ross-Kerr, 2011). On the other hand, the main disadvantage of questionnaires is that there is a high possibility of a poor response rate since some questions are ignored, misinterpreted, incorrectly completed or inadequately detailed (Polit and Beck 2010). The RCT of Chiu and Anderson (2009) and Ali etal. (2009),, is one of the most powerful tools of research where people are allocated at random to receive one of several clinical interventions. However RCT’s are vulnerable to multiple types of bias at all stages of their workspan (Geretsegger et al 2012). Hence the need to establish validity and reliability. In the study done by both Ali etal.,(2009) and Chiu and Anderson (2009),the researchers increase the rigor on the study by using a large number of participants. In addition, Chiu and Anderson (2009) use the Nursing Child Assessment Satellite Training Program (NCAST) Feeding and Teaching scales. Nicholas-Sargent (2009), improved the rigour by using the Critical Care Family Needs Inventory (CCFNI), as a framework for the FNI. CCFNI has been thoroughly reported with results indicating internal consistency and construct validity (Gerrish and Lacey 2010). Despite this, Nicholas-Sargent (2009), use a small scale study and therefor e the results cannot be generalized. Limitations In the study done by Lee et al (2008), the data were only collected from one hospital in this present study causing generalisability of the results to be low. Moreover, the sample was restricted to those who did not have additional social, cultural or medical circumstances to consider. Moreover, coding was done by researcher itself and this might have caused some bias. Both Nicholas-Sargent (2009) and Parker (2011) use small scale studies but these were qualitative studies. Therefore, to a certain extent the findings cannot be generalized across the population of families involved with the NICU. In addition, Parker (2011) uses a retrospective study, which might have been subject to bias in recalling information. There was absence of pilot study in both Nicholas-Sargent (2009) and Chiu and Anderson (2009). The use of pilot studies helps to assess the design, methodology and feasibility of the tool and typically includes participants who are similar to those who will be used in the larger research study ( Wood & Kerr 2011). Hence, their importance. Also, the instruments chosen by Chiu and Anderson (2009), being the (NCAST and the feeding and teaching scales) for this study might not be sensitive enough to capture any between-group difference in changes resulting from the intervention. Finally, Ali et al., (2009) fail to mention intention to treat analysis where researchers can introduce reality into research by outlining that not all randomised participants will continue throughout the study. Therefore, this might be a potential weakness in this study. It was also noted the there was no detailed report about the time intervals between the two different groups. Hence, this may also have introduced performance bias. In the grounded theory approach taken by Fenwich et al (2008), limitations lie in the method of data collection itself through semi-structured interviews that were tape-recorded and field note documentation done. The authors did not acknowledge limitations in the study. Recommendations Maternal contact Fenwich et al (2008) suggests prioritising maternal-infant closeness when underpinning policies and protocols and suggests the unrestricted access to their child. Lee et al (2008) found that in Taiwan mothers are allowed to visit for 30 minutes twice a day. In Malta, mothers are allowed to stay with the child 24 hours a day. In addition, skin-to-skin contact is recommended by both Lee et al (2008) and Chiu and Anderson (2009). The latter suggests that all mothers, if they are able and whether or not they ask for it, skin-to-skin contact should be encouraged. My suggestions on interventions for critically ill infants include encouraging the parents’ presence at the bedside, assisting the parents in personalizing the bedside, and teaching the parents to gently touch their infant. Another approach is to hang a simple picture board with the first names of nurses and practitioners near the entrance to the unit. This picture board helps anxious families feel welcomed in this healing environment. In our unit, those babies who have central lines such as umbilical arterial catheters (UAC), the mothers are not allowed to hold the baby for fear of bleeding if the UAC gets dislodged. However, if the mother shows signs of needing contact with the baby, we allow her to hold the baby with constant supervision. In the case of babies that are ventilated mothers are only allowed to hold their baby if the prognosis is very poor. Therefore, this shows that, if the baby is on long term ventilation, skin-to-skin is hindered from being introduced. Fenwich et al (2008), recommend the development of tools that can better evaluate the satisfaction of the mother. Hence, the need for longitudinal qualitative research. In my opinion this would yield good results when past experiences would show which improvements were helpful and which were not. NICE standards (2010), specify the use of surveys. We can incorporate these surveys after consideration with the midwifery officer. Mother-nurse-infant interaction Because of the complexity of illness, parents of critically ill infants are anxious and fear the worst with every visit to the NICU. Strategies need to be adapted to decrease maternal anxiety while supporting the needs of these infants. (Nicholas-Sargent 2009). Nurses play a vital role in helping parents throughout the stressful and challenging experience of the NICU by developing therapeutic relationships and providing emotional support. These approaches enable parents to feel more supported, more involved, confident, and more effective as parents of their vulnerable newborn. The experience of parents in the NICU occurs during an emotionally intense period fraught with anxiety, stress, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. Therefore, Nicholas-Sargent (2009) suggests that, it would be vital to do an NICU orientation for expectant parents with a high risk of giving birth to a premature infant or a compromised newborn. Supporting and facilitating their parenting role will help decrease their stress, strain, anxiety, and depression. Lee et al (2008), nurses need to respect the cultural preferences of mothers as this would promote desired health outcomes. This would aid in meaningful, holistic and individualized care. According to Nicholas-Sargent (2009), personalized one-to-one as opposed as opposed to group support would be helpful. In addition Nicholas-Sargent (2009), suggests that nurse education is needed to improve the awareness of the impact of the counselling service. However, the service needs to be more flexible due to fluctuations in the health condition of the baby. In fact, what we notice is that mothers would require counselling at different stages of the hospitalization. Therefore, if the service was refused once, it may still mean that mothers would need it at some other point in time. Nicholas-Sargent (2009), further suggests that the counselling service would be extended to the whole family from the hospital as well as in the community., Both the DH (2009), and NICE (2010) highlight the importance of Family-Centered Care (FCC) views the family as the ‘child’s primary source of strength and support’ and allows for collaboration, respect, and support with the parents and family during all levels of the service delivery. To foster participation in care for the infant, unrestricted visiting hours should be encouraged for the nuclear family of the neonate. In Malta, visiting hours are restricted to parents only due to increase in cross infection when family members were allowed to visit for 1 hour everyday during the day. However, timing of care may still be arranged to facilitate parents’ participation. In addition, special moments such as baby’s first time off CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) needs to take place during parents’ presence. Cockfort (2011), highlights that missed opportunities to involve parents in care, heighten anxiety and can create a sense of sadness and loneliness . Information for mothers Mothers vary in the amount of information they can assimilate under stress. Therefore identifying parents’ feelings through active listening and observing will help us to pick up on parents cues and respond appropriately in order to provide parents with accurate and clear information (Fenwick et al 2008). Nicholas-Sargent (2009), adds that, information regarding the health status of the baby needs to be give in a timely provision. Parker (2011), recommends the access to certified interpreters for non-English speaking parents to enable them to ask questions and get the information they need as well as information regarding the counselling services. Likewise, an updated information board at the infant’s bedside helps mothers retain information while feeling welcome at the bedside. In my opinion, these interventions create an environment that facilitates maternal- infant attachment by promoting maternal competence with meaningful positive parenting skills and fostering partnership in care.. Conclusion In summary, the findings showed that parents of infants admitted to the NICU experience stress, depression, anxiety, and feelings of powerlessness, hopelessness, and alienation within the environment of the NICU. These situations are often overwhelming and catastrophic for the mothers keeping in mind that the process of motherhood is a protecting and loving phenomenon. Therefore mothers should participate in the care of their sick, fragile infant in the NICU through mother-infant interaction. Nurses need to be supportive and informative in dealing with parents in the NICU. Therefore, the need for parents to be given the access of interpretation by certified interpreters in order to overcome language barriers has been identified. Further, information and emotional support is required throughout the stay in the NICU, However, it was further found that information in preparation for discharge planning is vital. This enhances parental knowledge and decreases stress, which promotes more effective parenting. Further, as understanding of the parents’ experience of having an infant admitted to the NICU increases, nurses will be better prepared to meet parental needs and alleviate parental suffering. Providing holistic, developmentally supportive care and open communication with parents in this stressful experience is essential. Moreover, the need for family-centered care has been identified. REFERENCE LIST Ali, M.S., Sharma. J., Sharma. R., & Alam. S. (2009). Kangaroo mother care as compare to conventional care for low birth weight babies. Dicle Tip Dergisi. 36(3), 155-160. Chiu S. & Anderson G.C., (2009). Effect of early skin-to-skin contact on mother–preterm infant interaction through 18 months: Randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies, Vol. 46, pp.1168–1180. Cleveland, L.M., 2008. Parenting in the neonatal intensive care unit. 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Public Health Promotion Strategy

Public Health Promotion Strategy of Lhuntse Introduction Public health is the first priority of a nation as health is the chief priority to man. According to the American Public Health Association, APHA(2001), public health as the practice of preventing diseases and promoting good health within groups of people from small communities to entire countries. The functions of public health include preventing epidemics, monitoring health status of the population, developing policies and laws to protect health, providing health care services at all costs and all activities related to benefiting public and their health.Bhutan, within the confines of China in the north and India in the south, was a late bloomer in to development. Now, 90% of the population has access to basic health care services delivered through a network of 29 hospitals, 176 Basic Health Units and 541 outreach clinics. Of the twenty Dzongkhags or districts in Bhutan, Lhuentse dzongkhag is one of the least developed with ei ght gewogs. â€Å"Most of the villages are still in accessible with lack of roads and electricity. one hospital, 11 Basic Health Units and 31 Outreach clinics render public health services in the dzongkhag.About 50% of the households have access to piped drinking water supply. †(Ninth five year plan, Bhutan, n. d). This paper plans to focus on studying the public health sector scenario in the particular dzongkhag and improving it. Purpose of the action plan Purpose of the action plan is to promote various factors such as followings †¢To improve maternal health care, it is very essential to provide healthy manner of health services to improve maternal health care to make pregnancy safe. Mother’s education, Mother’s education is the basic knowledge of parenting. †¢To Improvement in food supply and sanitation, improvements in food supply and sanitation will lead to increase life spans and reduce disease. Initiatives taken by the health services such as cl ean drinking water supply and hygiene directly help in improvement in food supply and sanitation. †¢ To Reduce in Poverty, to make reduction in poverty line . To Change living standard, with the development taking place in the country, living standard of the people has been rapidly changed.Public health Issues and Concerns †¢Lhuentse Dzongkhags has the concern over the issues related to public health as follows; †¢As the morbidity among the children under five year of age and all pregnant women and women in child bearing age was accounted to , Male-767 and Female-642. (PHCB, pg. 191). †¢The number of deliveries of the new born babies attended by health professionals was – 90 pregnant women, whereas, the number of deliverie not attended was recorded to -231 cases as noted in (PHCB, pg. 04). †¢According to PHCB, 2005,The Dzongkhag has also noted the increase in the number of disables that was numbered to 990 people and most were disabled to seeing that was recorded to-327 people. (PHCB,pg. 211) †¢Most of the people in the Dzongkhag had limited access to safe drinking water with the account of 253 households having piped water within house and 2377 households having piped water outside house. (PHCB, pg. 222) 5.The people in the Dzongkhag had limited acces to basic health facility of proper toilet. As, 2143 households had the accessibility to pit latrine and 423 households had no latrines at all (PHCB, pg. 241). The issues also includes, †¢Maternal and child health †¢The lack of nutrition in the diet leading to malnutrition †¢Outbreak of infectious diseases †¢The high alcohol consumption leading to increase in alcohol related diseases (Liver cirrhosis). Public Health Promotion StrategyTheir strategies put emphasis on improvement ofquality of services, development of human and institutional capacity, and decentralization with focus on rural access. 1. Enhance the quality of health services To improve the qual ity of services and further consolidate the infrastructure. Standardization and quality assurance, focusing on diagnostic and healing aspects, and use of appropriate technology. 2. To reach the inaccessible population There are still population groups who are not reached satisfactorily by the health services.Taking into account all of the problems and factors, Out Reach Clinics (ORCs) have been constructed and organized. 3. Strengthen traditional medicine system The traditional medicine system is being strengthened with the emphasis on human resource development through the Institute of Traditional Medicine. This has also been included in the ordinary health services at the hospital. The capacity and productivity of the Pharmaceutical Units have been increased.

Monday, July 29, 2019

PTSD 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

PTSD 2 - Essay Example tic criteria demands that the diagnosed symptoms last for more than a month and must cause a significant social or occupational impairment (Ursano, 2004). The causes of PTSD are believed to originate from experiences of any event that produce intense pessimistic feeling of helplessness, fear or horror to the victim. Some of the sources of such experiences may include: witnessing adult or childhood sexual or physical abuse, physical assault or sexual assault, occupations related to war and disaster, and being diagnosed with an illness that threatens life. PTSD may impact adversely on the victims. Some of its outcomes may include terror, fear, loss of memory among others (Acierno, 1999). Diagnosis criteria of PTSD as mentioned above demands that the diagnosed symptoms last for more than a month and must cause a significant social or occupational impairment. The diagnosis can be categorized into the following: exposure to a traumatic event involving risk of death or serious injury, loss of physical integrity and intense negative feeling of fear, helplessness or horror; persistent re-experiencing of the events resulting into flashback memories, subjective re-experiencing of the trauma, reappearance of distressing dreams, and intense negative physiological or psychological response to any subjective or objective reminder of the events; persistent emotional numbing and avoidance of stimuli that is associated with the traumatic event, inability to remember the main parts of the trauma, and avoidance of people or places that may bring back the distressing memories; persistent increase of arousal symptoms that were initially absent; symptoms lasting for more than one month ; and significant social or occupational impairment (Cahill, 2004). Prevention and intervention strategies of PTSD are needed in order to prevent the adverse effects of this condition to the victims. Experts have suggested cognitive behavioral therapy and critical incident stress management as

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Behavioral Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Behavioral Economics - Essay Example Hedonic treadmill is a variant of the term hedonic adaptation, which compares an individual's "pursuit of happiness to a person on a treadmill, who has to keep working just to stay in the same place" (Wikipedia). Social etiquette or stipulations or expectations can be a factor that molds the ability to adapt in individuals, and hence, in the community as a whole. The human beings obey or conform to certain unwritten axioms of the society which are considered to be the acceptable norms of the community. This leads to his or her voluntary suppression of certain needs or aspirations as a matter of course. This can also be caused by biases or prejudices that prevail in the society, for example, those that are based on genders, age groups, social status, hierarchies, income levels, etc. Religious principles, beliefs or way of life can also lead to an individual's conforming to certain expectations and thereby compromising on his wants, achievements and aspirations as well as his choices. If a human being can actually be happy with his misfortunes based on his religious beliefs, for example, of his or her miseries being God-given or his or her state being the will of God, etc., then his mental status would actually be happy. This means that even the unemployed, the beggar and the exploited can feel happy and satisfied with their lot. However, this may facilitate the study of human well-being and development unfavorably. In adjusting to a worse life situation, an individual's adaptation is downwardly directed. That is, he or she adjusts to being happy being in a circumstance worse than he or she used to be in. This kind of adaptation is harmful or damaging in that it influences the individual to avert from making rational or reasonable choices. This, naturally, affects development and its applications aversely. This is a conclusion more from an economic or a materialistic point of view, but when you take into consideration an extremely economically backward and thoroughly deprived community, "it is only prudent to wonder how much suffering and misery there would be in the absence of adaptation" (Clark 8). Another form of adaptation is that which is a result of inadequate know-how or awareness. When an individual is not equipped with adequate knowledge, his or her choices, naturally, will not be rational, reasonable or optimum for him or her. In such cases the utility concepts cannot be ideal for conducting development studies and practices. The parameters may change for situations where the individual is able to gather knowledge and where he or she is not. However, with modern-day advancements in the technology of communication, the disparity in the capability levels of acquiring information is going to be less and less. An individual who is in an extremely lowly situation, with most of the essentials of life not being fulfilled to any decent degree whatsoever, if he has adapted to his situation without complaints, as it usually happens in most of the low-economic groups, and he is resigned to be happy with the little pleasures that is available to him, he may not appear to be highly deprived in terms of utility. In such cases, the concepts of utility may not be the reliable or adequate bases for studying human well-being. From all of the factors

Saturday, July 27, 2019

CLUB IT Part Two Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CLUB IT Part Two - Essay Example Ruby’s existing website is currently being updated. Ruby’s already has one desktop work station equipped with at 320 GB hard drive and the latest version of Microsoft business software. The club is already equipped with high speed internet access. At the same time, in order to make use of these resources, Ruby’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) must incorporate the acquisition of new hardware, software and human resources. The required upgrades will include: Hardware: One new desktop, with similar specifications as the existing work station. Three new hand-held point-of-sale devices, one wireless internet router, and four additional power points in customer dining areas. Human Resources: Ruby’s will hire one new employee full-time with basic skills in programming and network management. Maintaining the website and in-store network will be this employees primary function, but he or she should also have basic customer services skills and be able to assist and fill in for wait staff and hostesses during IT â€Å"down time.† These resources will allow Ruby’s to expand its online sales as well as to adapt to future IT changes, thus allowing Rub’s to take full advantage of our customer base. First, Ruby’s will expand its online ordering system to include not only advance ticket sales, but also an expanded line of merchandise as well as exclusive online sales of featured artists’ mp3’s and compact discs. Finally, in addition to Ruby’s new schedule of live hip hop, R &B and Latin music and community events, Ruby’s plans to host weekly Tuesday and Thursday â€Å"quiet† happy hours designed to appeal to millennial and net users; students and creative workers who work from home. Customers will be able to access free wireless and numerous power-points throughout Ruby’s customer seating area. Supply Chain and Customers: In addition to failing to take advantage of existing resources and customer base,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Research Paper about Currency Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business about Currency - Research Paper Example (See Table I – 2010 U.S. Unemployment Rate below) Because of the debt of Greece, investors were reluctant whether or not a solution will be developed to solve Greece’s debts (CNN Money a). Due to the distress in euro zone, the real value of USD increased against major currencies like Euro. This explains the weakening of Euro against USD between March 22 and March 23, 2010. The uncertainty in the U.S. healthcare bill caused the decline in the USD against Euro exchange rate starting March 24, 2010 (Twin). The real value of USD fell against Euro by 0.5% to US$1.3479. This was due to the strengthening of the Euro when the European Union leaders announced their decision to financially aid the debt of Greece during the summit in Brussels (Pepitone). The emergency bailout plan which aims to rescue to economic condition of Greece regain the confidence of investors with Euro. Between April 5 to April 8, USD weakened against the Euro. This is probably due to the fact that the U.S. job market worsened as compared to the previous weeks or previous months (Trading Economics). Other than the increased in the U.S. unemployment rate, the U.S. light crude oil for the period of May delivery increased by $1.75 per barrel. Because of the high cost of crude oil per barrel (US$86.62), a lot of investors became less confident with regards to how trading will go over the next few days or next few months (Twin, CNN News). Although there was a slight change in the cost of May delivery of crude oil last Thursday (April 8), decrease in the market price of imported crude oil per barrel remains high (US$85.39) (Twin, CNN Money). Stocks also fell when big companies like General Motors announced its huge loss in the market. These factors together with the strengthening of Greece and other Euro members made the value of USD against Euro fell back on April 8. Aside from what is going on in the U.S. economy, the success of the European and Asian markets made the currency of USD

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Natures deadliest animals in brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Natures deadliest animals in brazil - Essay Example ul research shows, however, that nature’s deadliest animals in Brazil are much more dangerous to other animals in their habitat, than to human beings. One of the creatures that is the most deadly in Brazil is a relatively common fish called the piranha. It is usually quite small, between 15 cm and 26 cm in length and it is very plentiful in the Amazon region. (St Louis and Chandler, p. 111) Its normal behavior is to scavenge for food from dead fish, plants and insects in the river and so it plays a useful role in cleaning up the environment. People very rarely are attacked by piranha but when a large mammal is attacked, it can be extremely shocking, since the piranha come in great numbers and nibble at the body. The reputation of this fish is actually much worse than its real nature, because it usually avoids human beings and concentrates on smaller prey. Only one particular situation can be very dangerous for humans, and that occurs when the river is low. Piranhas can get trapped in tributaries or lakes that get cut off from the main river. This means that their food supply disappears and in that case they will attack almost anyt hing because they are desperate for food. It is noted that â€Å"confirmed accounts of human fatalities caused by piranhas are extremely few, but plenty of Amazonian river folks have scars or missing fingers to testify just how sharp and vicious those little triangular teeth can be.† (St Louis and Chandler, p. 104) Many people are afraid of another small creature, which is technically an insect rather than an animal, namely the spider. In Brazil there are several species of the biggest spiders of all: tarantulas. These include the Brazilian yellowbanded, the Brazilian salmon, the Brazilian black and the Brazilian graysmoke, as well as many others which are common across the South American continent (Tarantula facts website). The way that tarantulas capture and kill their prey is quite disgusting from a human point of view, but

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Benefits of Mentoring Programs in Schools Research Paper

Benefits of Mentoring Programs in Schools - Research Paper Example This has an overall effect of simplifying the staff’s duty of establishing and monitoring relationships among children in elementary schools (Rose 1). Moreover, mentoring programs in the elementary schools allows mentors to advocate on the children’s behalf since they understand them (Rhodes 1). Mentoring programs influence the status of the children by deriving an understanding on the mentee and enhancing social standing (Rhodes 1). These programs also foster academic focus by presenting academic issues to the forefront and offer a natural context for mentors to address school and learning issues (Rhodes 2). Moreover, most mentors in the mentoring programs in the elementary schools cannot volunteer their services outside the school context. As such, these programs attract mentors who cannot offer their services in community-based programs hence maximizing this exclusive potential (Rhodes 2). Such mentors are minority volunteers who have considerable knowledge and skills on mentorship. This benefits the children and the administration of the elementary schools since they benefit from this potential. Furthermore, it is clear that sourcing and screening mentors for school-based programs is much easier than sourcing mentors for community-based programs (Rhodes 2). As such, the se programs allow for the spreading of mentorship wealth in elementary schools. The mentoring programs in the elementary schools are equally flexible since they accommodate cross-gender matches (Rhodes 2). Indeed, these programs have more mentors coming from all genders where both males and females render their services to children. Indeed, these programs reach more children than the community-based programs thus helping children who cannot access community-based mentorship program, which depicts their ability to reach higher-risk children and families (Rhodes 2). At the same time, mentoring programs in the elementary schools attract more

Compare and contrast Hobbes' and Locke's account of the state of Essay

Compare and contrast Hobbes' and Locke's account of the state of nature - Essay Example This means that the conclusions formed by traditional theories of natural law could not be applied to a larger frame of society. In this regard, the only thinker who came with an opposite view was Thomas Hobbes. He maintained that humans are not animal natured. In particular, humans are sophisticated systems which can be further discussed in a cause and effect manner. As it notes, â€Å"For such is the nature of man, that howsoever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent, or more learned; Yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves: For they see their own wit at hand, and other mens at a distance (Hobbes, 1651, p. 159).† It becomes easy to understand that Hobbes believed that each and every action that is undertaken by human is aroused due to a number of mechanical processes which are noted in human body. These actions or functions being taken in a human body can only be understood with the help of core systematic design. This i ncludes nervous system, breathing system etc. that causes a human being to feel sensation and exhale when in fear respectively. Hobbes in his book Leviathan exclaimed that pain and fear are caused when there is an internal appetite to feel it. The nervous system, in particular, provokes a human to understand his or her need regarding asking for something that can allow him with self-satisfaction. On the other hand, John Locke has provided a very easy to understand viewpoint regarding human nature. Hobbes have understood human nature in a very systematic manner that goes in the flow to raise a point that human are not animal natured. Locke has given a logic regarding human nature stating that humans are basically depending on the mobility and solidity. In simpler words, it can be said that humans are creations by God. This is rather a very strong statement that notes God to be the sole owner of humans if considered as property. It is basically that stance of God towards human where t hey are given a free path to exercise their liberty and take actions against or for their health. Locke has marked that humans basically tend to build their environment out of rationality. This is the major difference between the thinking processes of both the sociological theorists (Hobbes and Locke). Locke also mentioned that all humans are in a concert to achieve higher and grasp the finest as per their own participation to a political community. Formation of Common Wealth Formation of common wealth as a notion explained by Hobbes maintains that humans can never co-exist in a society. It is due to this reason that there needs to be a system above all that will record their behaviors and put limits. Hobbes has discussed his view of formation of common wealth by contrasting it to animal kingdom. He stated that animals are able to live together society without any sovereign power that is able to record their behavior and systemize their behaviors. There can never be a strong governm ent to be implemented within a human society. This is why humans are meant to remain in an agonized state (Hobbes, 1651). There are mainly three aspects that have caused the humans to get aware of their ability to form common wealth. It states with the competition that is among all humans despite understanding the need of being with each other. Secondly, it is the diffidence which is considerably a major reason for which

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 82

Journal - Essay Example promised to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan, and those who were to remain were only to be involved in training the Afghanistan soldiers, and not actively helping them in combat missions as the new deal states. Therefore, this makes the story even more controversial, and the writers are seeking audience with Americans to give their opinion on the issue. Moreover, the authors seem to condemn the move, which makes the story bias. Since the involvement of US troops in Afghanistan is an issue that has been debated for years, I would expect the authors to give a little background into the matter. However, the article falls short of any background information regarding the issue. Nevertheless, the authors use quotes from a senior US administrative official, which makes what they report credible. They also refer to an article on Times talking about the same story, and since Times is a reputable newspaper, it gives the story further credibility. Overall, the story is well presented, organized, and easy to

Monday, July 22, 2019

Empowering Women - Culture vs Modern Life Essay Example for Free

Empowering Women Culture vs Modern Life Essay The world today has allowed women to hold other positions apart from their traditional roles which are being temporarily pushed aside. Temporary because traditional roles and family responsibilities can never be ignored or eliminated and it is this responsibility that women need to be empowered to encourage and give them the confidence to venture out and earn income to meet the demands of everyday life. The 20th century has become familiar with gender equality and more women and girls are stepping out of their traditional roles and embracing success despite facing economic, social, cultural and educational issues. This essay will discuss the issue of empowering women as a strategy used to help women and investment in education as the driving forces of overcoming problems and help forge a better future. Firstly, in our environment today we see more women stepping out of their traditional roles to work regardless of low or high paid income. The disadvantage on the economical level they face is the power of wealth where unnecessary spending does not allow for savings for the future. Women tend to give in to husbands demands and with peer pressure want for luxury items far beyond their affordability. For instance, our environment can influence the way we spend especially wanting what others have, for example, purchasing a vehicle can exhaust funds and create debt and borrowing. Economically this slows the growth of the economy and encourages poverty within families and the community. Secondly, the social disadvantage women face as they begin to take up higher responsibilities and thus, decision making within their household and at work encourages them to stand for their rights on any issues they face. This can lead to many social problems as they are exposed to many lifestyles such as the way they dress, attitudes and behavior changes. These changes can result to problems within the household and the community which leads to violence within families and between husband and wives or women and the community. In Bagdad, Afghanistan women who sought work in town are changing the way they dress from wearing their cultural wear, burqa (clothes that cover most of their entire body) to wearing short skirts and blouses to work. This has angered some husbands and in February 21st Pritka Singh’s husband killed her for bringing shame into the family as a mother. (Fiji Times, March 4 2013 p.19) Lastly, in most Pacific Island countries and some places within the Asian and Middle East countries, women’s role is to stay at home and look after the families while the husbands earn income to support the family financially. But as women begin to shift roles and work to earn an income, most women begin to spend most of their time at work rather than at home. For this reason most families system begins to breakup as children are left to care for themselves and the upbringing by their caretakers are under supervised can lead children to poor health. Also, divorce and broken homes happen when mothers and fathers spend time away from each other and reconciliation is beyond repair. (Personal communication Priscilla Tongi) However, even though the disadvantages are discouraging I feel that these problems can be fixed and overcome as strategies of empowering of women begin to take place. In the past, women were not allowed to stand up among men to participate in decision making but the 20th century has allowed this and why empowering of women has made a positive impact on women so far. Firstly, the advantage of empowering women to do more and engage in formal work possibility leads to economic growth. A study shows that women in Australia who held positions as board directors significantly had higher financial returns, including 53 percent higher returns on equity, 24 percent higher returns on sales and 67 percent higher returns on invested capital ( This shows that female workers use strategies that communicate well with their employees to motivate them to perform well within the environment they work in. Secondly, the mentalities of men as the superior of both genders begin to change as women become empowered and begin to take up responsibilities similar to men. Here women have the confidence and courage to make decisions within their household, workplaces and the society as a whole. They rise from fear of being teased, mocked, seen as worthless and not important and begin to take part in important discussions with males to help their families and communities. ( This social advantage helps in confirming fundamental rights of women. Finally, Education is an important element to any development within a society and without proper education poverty emerges. Through empowering of women, this strategy has encouraged more women to attend school and given the same opportunities as the male. Universities and other formal education enhances understanding on different fields like health, economics, politics etc to help them make good decisions within their families and society.( For example in Honiara at the Anglican Satellite church at Burns Creek , Literacy classes for the rural uneducated mothers are held twice a week to help them to read and write . Hence, confidence in attending community meetings and sharing in decision makings with the community become easy. Investment in education should be a priority to assist women become good role models and with educational achievements of women are more likely to be looked upon as setting good examples. (personal communication Shirley Nokia) Based on the evidence presented in this essay, empowerment of women is a positive strategy which encourages women, whereas in the past, little was done to allow women to step out from their traditional roles and into higher positions. Although the disadvantages hinder women through economical, social and educational issues, the advantages are more promising and through investment in education especially, women and girls can have a better future and make a better world for all.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction To Demand Forecasting Business Essay

Introduction To Demand Forecasting Business Essay Introduction to Demand Forecasting: Forecasting provides an estimate of future demand and the basis for planning and sound business decisions. Since all organizations deal with an unknown future, some error between a forecast and actual demand is to be expected. Thus, the goal of a good forecasting technique is to minimize the deviation between actual demand and forecast. Since a forecast is a prediction of the future, factors that influence demand, the impact of these factors, and whether these factors will continue influence future demands must be considered in developing an accurate forecast. In addition, buyers and sellers should share all relevant information to generate a single consensus forecast so that the correct decision on the supply and demand can be made. The benefits of a better forecast are lower inventories, reduce stock outs, smoother production plans, reduced costs and improved customer service. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) The impact of a poor communication and inaccurate forecast resonates all along the supply chain and results the bull whip effects causing stock outs, lost sales, high cost of inventory and obsolesce, material shortages, poor responsiveness to market dynamics, and poor profitability. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Matching Supply And Demand: The concept of matching supply with demand is straightforward. Just strike the right balance between what your customers want and the inventory investment required to meet that demand. Demand forecasting may be used in making pricing decisions, in assessing future capacity requirements, or in making decisions on whether to enter a new market. Now a day business scenario is completely change revived. Demand, supply, logistics, whole supply chain management. Now we have consumer who are more focused demanding. Whole buying behavior is turn into pull behavior where suppliers are more concern about consumers demand. Now a day retailer if supplier do not full fill the target requirement of retailer of right quantity, right time right price that retailer would not wait long for supplier to fulfill requirement rather prefer to switch supplier. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Here matching supply demand forecast help any company to slice the threat of stock out, sales, customer relationship, business order to achieve sound supply chain, supplier must have forecast the future conditions so they can meet the expected targets deliver right commodities to its customers in a timely manner cost effective approach. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Of course, its not that easy. Buying too much wastes time, money and space-and exposes you to potential losses from liquidating overstocks. Underestimating demand leads to backorders, cancellations and unsatisfied customers who turn to your competitors. Incorporating SCM successfully leads to a new kind of competition on the global market where competition is no longer of the company versus company form but rather takes on a supply chain versus supply chain form. ( The primary objective of supply chain management is to fulfill customer demands through the most efficient use of resources, including distribution capacity, inventory and labor. In theory, a supply chain seeks to match demand with supply and do so with the minimal inventory. Various aspects of optimizing the supply chain include liaising with suppliers to eliminate bottlenecks; sourcing strategically to strike a balance between lowest material cost and transportation, implementing JIT (Just In Time) techniques to optimize manufacturing flow; maintaining the right mix and location of factories and warehouses to serve customer markets, and using location/allocation, vehicle routing analysis, dynamic programming and, of course, traditional logistics optimization to maximize the efficiency of the distribution side. ( The effects that inventory levels have on sales. In the extreme case of stock-outs, demand coming into your store is not converted to sales due to a lack of availability. Demand is also untapped when sales for an item are decreased due to a poor display location, or because the desired sizes are no longer available. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Demand for an item will likely rise if a competitor increases the price or if you promote the item in your weekly circular. The resulting sales increase reflects a change in demand as a result of consumers responding to stimuli that potentially drive additional sales. In this case demand forecasting uses techniques in causal modeling. Demand forecast modeling considers the size of the market and the dynamics of market share versus competitors and its effect on firm demand over a period of time. No demand forecasting method is 100% accurate. Combined forecasts improve accuracy and reduce the likelihood of large errors. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Purposes of Forecasting: Purposes of Short-Term Forecasting Appropriate production scheduling. Reducing costs of purchasing raw materials. Determining appropriate price policy Setting sales targets and establishing controls and incentives. Evolving a suitable advertising and promotional campaign. Forecasting short term financial requirements. Purposes of Long-Term Forecasting Planning of a new unit or expansion of an existing unit. Planning long term financial requirements. Planning man-power requirements. ( Length of Forecasts: Short-term forecasts up to 12 months, e.g., sales quotas, inventory control, production schedules, planning cash flows, budgeting. Medium-term 1-2 years, e.g., rate of maintenance, schedule of operations, and budgetary control over expenses. Long-term 3-10 years, e.g., capital expenditures, personnel requirements, financial requirements, raw material requirements.(Most uncertain in nature)  ( Control Demand or Management of  Demand: The key to management of demand is the effective management of the purchases of final consumers. The management of demand consists in devising a sales strategy for a particular product. It also consists in planning a product, or features of a product, around which a sales strategy can be built. Product design, model change, packaging and even performance reflect the need to provide what are called strong selling points. ( Forecasting Techniques: Understanding that the forecast is very often inaccurate does not mean that nothing can be done to improve e the forecast. Both quantitative and qualitative forecast can be improved by seeking inputs from trading partners. Qualitative forecasting methods are based on opinions and intuition whereas quantitative forecasting methods use mathematical models and relevant historical data to generate forecast. Qualitative Methods: The qualitative methods are subdivided into. The four common qualitative forecasting models are, Jury Of Executive Opinion: Qualitative forecasting in which a group of senior management executives who are knowledgeable about the market, competitors, and the business environment collectively developed the forecast. Delphi Method: Qualitative forecasting in which a group of internal and external experts are surveyed during several rounds in term of future events and long term forecasts of demand; the group members do not physically meet. Sales Force Composite: Qualitative forecast generated based on the sales forces knowledge of the market and estimates of the customers need. Consumer Survey: A questioner administered through telephone, mail, internet, or personal interviews that seeks inputs from customers on important issues such as future buying habits, new product ideas, and opinions about existing products. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Quantitative Methods: Time series forecasting is based on the assumptions that the future is an extension of the past, thus, the historical that can be used to predict future demands. The components of time series data are, Trend Variations: Either increasing or decreasing ,movements over many years that are due to factors such as population growth, population shifts, cultural changes, and income shifts. Cyclical Variations: Wave like movements that are longer than a year and influenced by macro economic and political factors. Seasonal Variations: Peaks and valleys that repeat over a constant interval such as hours ,days, weeks, months, years, or seasons. Random Variations: Random peaks and valleys those are due to unexpected or unpredictable events such as natural disasters (hurricanes, tornadoes, fire) strikes, and wars. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment (CPFR): Voluntary Inter industry Commerce Standards (VICS),a New Jersey based Association defines Collaborative Planning, Forecasting and Replenishment(CPFR) as, a business practice that combines the brainpower of two or more trading partners in planning the ways to fulfill the customer demand. They also explained the relationship that CPFR links best practices of sales and marketing, such as category management, to the implementation of supply chain planning and completion process, to increase availability while reducing inventory, transportation and logistics costs. Basically CPFR is an approach that deals with the requirements for good demand management. The most involved industries with CPFR are consumer products and food and beverage. (Collaborative Planning,Forecasting Replenishment CPFR) Objective of CPFR: The objective of CPFR is to optimize the supply chain process by: Improving accuracy of forecasting demand Delivering the right product at the right time to the right location Reducing inventory Avoiding stock outs Improving customer service But the most important fact on which the achievement of objective and activities of CPFR depend is to have collaborative trading partners who share risk and information mutually in the whole process. Without Collaborative planning and forecasting between the trading partners will make the supply chain suboptimal, thus will result in less-than-maximum supply chain profits. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Real value of CPFR: It is observed that forecasting developed only by firm tends to be inaccurate most of the time so therefore in CPFR when both the buyer and seller collaborate in forecasting, then it makes possible to match buyer needs with supplier production plans, thus ensuring competent replenishment. CPFR also helps in avoiding expensive corrections after the fact when demand or promotions have changed. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Benefits of CPFR: Strengthens supply chain partner relationships Provides analysis of sales and order forecast which improves the forecast accuracy Manage the demand chain and proactively eliminate problems before they appear Allow collaboration on future requirements and plans Combine planning, forecasting and logistic activities Provides efficient category management and understanding of consumer purchasing patterns (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Example 1: West Marine is one of the companies that has greatly benefited by implementing CPFR.They had CPFR relationships with 200 suppliers, 85 percent forecast accuracy, and 80 percent on-time shipments. For CPFR success collaboration with external part is important, and it is equally important that effective collaboration within the company is emphasized. For example: logistics, planning and replenishment personnel must work closely together. Example 2: CPFR was also implemented by ITTs Jabsco division, West Marines largest customer. During the process they experienced a reduction in cycle time from twenty-five days to three days, an increase in total sales of 11 percent, and a great improvement in on-time deliveries from 74 to 94 percent. Example 3: Wal-Mart is one of the early implementer of CPFR. CPFR enabled Wal-Mart to move into Just-in-Time (JIT) system that resulted in significant savings in inventory carrying costs for Wal-Mart, as well as its suppliers. Example 4: In late 1990s, most of the large American-based multinational companies such as Procter Gamble (PG) and Wal-Mart enter into a system called Collaborative Planning, forecasting and Replenishment. (Williams) Challenges for CPFR implementation There are top three difficulties faced by organizations in implementing CPFR: Making internal changes: Internal changes must always be tackled by top management as change is always difficult but if the top management is dedicated to the project and in educating employees about the benefits of CPFR then there are more chances of getting a successful internal change. Total implementation cost: Although cost is an important factor to be considered always but companies must determine whether they are at a competitive disadvantage. Trust: is one of the biggest hurdles in general implementation of CPFR as many retailers are unwilling to share the information required to implement CPFR. For example: Wal-Mart may be willing to share their sensitive data with the Wal-Mart only as they do not want other suppliers to know their information. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Emerging Trends: Companies are finding new and innovative ways to collaborate. For example, Procter and Gamble has implemented CPFR not only with some of its retail customers, but also with its suppliers, and even inside the company, between functions and divisions. (Sheffi, 2002) Standard CPFR Trading Partner Processes Source:  ©2008 Hypatia Research, LLC. (Collaborative Planning,Forecasting Replenishment CPFR) CPFR: Key Tenets The consumer is the ultimate focus of all efforts Buyers (retailers) and sellers (manufacturers) collaborate at every level Joint forecasting and order planning reduces surprises in the supply chain The timing and quantity of physical flows is synchronized across all parties Promotions no longer serve as disturbances in the supply chain Exception management is systemized (Edward, 2003) CPFR Process Model: The CPFR reference model provides a framework for planning, forecasting and replenishment process. Figure below represents the framework components. A buyer and a seller work as Collaboration Partners and work together to satisfy the customer demand which at the centre of the model. The key CPFR activities to enhance performance of Collaboration partners are 1.  Strategy Planning Establish the rules for collaborative relationship. Determine the product mix and develop event plans for the period. 2.  Demand and Supply Management Project consumer (POS) demand, as well as order and shipment requirements over the planning period. 3.  Execution Place orders, prepare and deliver shipments, receive and stock products in retail stores, record sales transactions and make payments. 4.  Analysis Monitor planning and execution activities for exception conditions. Aggregate results and calculate KPIs. Share insights and adjust plans for better performance. ( CPFR Tasks in Detail: To understand in greater detail what businesses and their trading partners need to plan as part of their collaboration activities we need to analyze the tasks under each of the four identified Collaboration Activities.   The collaborations tasks and their mapping to collaboration activities is given in the table below CPFR Activity Task Mapping: CPFR Activity CPFR Task Trading Partners Strategy Planning Collaboration Arrangement Joint Business Plan Manufacturer, Retailer Demand Supply Management Sales Forecasting Order Planning/Forecasting Manufacturer, Retailer Execution Order Generation Order Fulfillment Manufacturer, Retailer Analysis  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Exception Management Performance Assessment Manufacturer, Retailer ( ( CPFR in Action Organizations can begin with successful CPFR with cooperation and timely plans. This combined approach helps all the trading partners such as retailers and manufacturers to unite in a formal agreement to perform the supply chain processes and establish a joint business plan. The CPFR softwares enables manufacturers, distributors and retailers to make the right decision about the material, stock and other resources required before placing the final order. CPFR is one of the powerful tools as it supports the whole supply chain process followed by nine steps defined as: (Edward, 2003) Phase I Planning In this phase, the emphasis is on developing element of trust between the people so that they give devoted work at different stages and processes. All types of barrier should be removed by the companys top management such as cultural barriers so that employees may feel comfortable working with them and will remain motivated towards their task performance. Firstly, the trading partners must clearly share their identities and processes in order to make a stronger bond between them, thus, the strong relationship will later help in setting a standard benchmark with mutual acceptance making more chances to be successful in achieving their organization targets. (Edward, 2003) There are two major steps that make up a front-end agreement and a joint business plan. Step 1: Developing Collaboration Agreement The Business Intelligence modules allow partners to define and measure specific KPIs. Web Planning ensures that all partners have access to the information simultaneously, while the Portal makes all the data and information visible across the supply chain. (Edward, 2003) The buyers and sellers must agree on the objectives of collaboration, ground rules, for resolving disagreements, confidentiality of information to be shared, sales forecast exception criteria, review cycle, time frame, and frozen time period with acceptable tolerance, financial incentives and success metrics. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Step 2: Crafting a Joint Business Plan A joint business plan is developed by sharing the companies business strategies and plans. The plan typically involves developing a joint product category and promotional plan in which the appropriate category strategies inventory policies, promotional activities, and pricing policies are specified. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) The front-end agreement should produce a long-term pact spanning the life of the business. Obviously, an enormous amount of information will flow between partners. Who should get what? When? Where? How much should they get (Edward, 2003) Phase II Forecasting The J.D. Edwards CPFR solution begins with a collaborative forecast of end-user demand and continues through all aspects of supply chain planning, providing support for both long-term and day-to-day decisions. In Phase II, an organization creates the sales forecast, which then feeds into the order forecast. (Edward, 2003) Step 3: Forecasting Sales Using the Demand Forecasting application, organizations can build multi-dimensional models, which may include product hierarchies, geographies, channels, and specific customers. Causal variables such as pricing, promotions, and new store openings can also be completely integrated. In addition, historical data can be combined with near real-time variations in the channel to get the most accurate forecast. (Edward, 2003) Either partner or both partners may generate the sales forecast. The forecasting techniques used can be qualitative or quantitative. When both partners each generate a forcast, middleware is used to highlight the difference, based on predetermined exception criteria previously agreed upon by the partners. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Steps 4 and 5: Collaborating to Develop a Shared Forecast Beginning with Demand Forecastings statistical forecast, users can make changes to an existing forecast or import their own forecast based on the most up-to-date information. Multiple forecasts can be reconciled using a powerful algorithm that takes into account the historical accuracy of different forecast contributors. Exceptions are easily identified and messages are sent to reconcile unusual items. Examples of sales forecast exception criteria are: retail in stock is less then 95 %, sales forecast error is greater the 20 %, the difference in sales forecast from the same period of the previous year is greater then 10%, or any changes that have occurred in timing of promotional active stores, The real-time joint decision making reduces the risk increase the confidence in the single forecast. (Wisner, Tan, Leong, 2008) Each contributor (partner, supplier, and customer) becomes an integral part of the real-time collaborative process. The final enterprise forecast is the combination of the most accurate and timely information available. (Edward, 2003) Step 6: Forecasting Orders The order forecast relies on point-of-sale (POS) data, causal information, and inventory strategies to generate a specific forecast that supports the shared sales forecast. Actual volume numbers are time-phased and reflect inventory objectives sorted by product and receiving location. The order forecast allows the manufacturer to allocate production capacity against demand while minimizing safety stock. J.D. Edwards supports this process by systematically aligning production capacity and scheduling items to give retailers increased confidence that orders will be delivered. With Production and Distribution Planning, it is possible to break down the sales forecast by sales period, sales region, and to more specific levels, such as individual stores. The order forecast integrates the sales forecast with order requirements to develop specific demand at retail level. Production and Distribution Planning ensures that the right product is built and delivered to the right aisle of the right store at the right time. In turn, Production and Distribution Planning works with Production Scheduling, breaking down production requirements on a daily or even hourly basis to ensure that the correct capacity and throughput are optimized to fill the necessary order. Operating through real-time collaboration reduces the uncertainty between trading partners and leads to consolidated supply chain inventories. Inventory levels are decreased, customer responsiveness is increased, and a platform for continual improvement among trading partners is established. (Edward, 2003) Steps 7 and 8: Identifying and Resolving Exceptions Identifying exceptions, determines what items fall outside the order forecast constraints established by the partners. The result is a list of exception items that are identified using the criteria established in the front-end agreement. Step eight, resolving exceptions, involves the process of investigating order forecast exceptions by querying shared data and submitting results to changes in the order forecast. Once again, the guidelines set down in the front-end agreement (or negotiations among partners) determine how those exceptions are resolved. (Edward, 2003) Phase III Executing During the final CPFR phase, front-end planning and forecasting come together with supply chain execution. Through J.D. Edwards collaborative CPFR solution, the order is generated and committed to delivery, enabling successful order delivery execution. Step 9: Generating Orders The final step in the CPFR process is generating the order and promising the delivery. The essence of maintaining positive relationships with partners and customers is to deliver on promises. Order Promising tags inventory (or raw materials) and addresses production schedules and transportation constraints to ensure that the product is ready when needed. Using Order Promising, companies can instantly determine where orders can best be satisfied from inventory at any location, planned production orders, or purchase receipts. When there is a promotion (such as a new store opening or product launch), Order Promising allows companies to quote future delivery dates or other key information related to the event. (Edward, 2003) Step 10: Executing to the CPFR Plan Although order generation is the ninth and final step of the formal CPFR model, the process doesnt end there. In effect, there is a tenth step involving execution of the order. This is where J.D. Edwards distinguishes itself. Once CPFR planning is complete, the model can feed data directly into J.D. Edwards Supply Chain Execution applications. Manufacturing, warehousing, order fulfillment, and transportation plans are completely synchronized into an integrated package to monitor and ensure on-time execution of the order delivery process. (Edward, 2003) Conclusion: Proper demand forecasting enables better planning and utilization of resources for business to be competitive. Forecasting is an integral part of demand management since it provides an estimate of the future demand and the basis for planning and making sound business decisions. A mismatch in supply and demand could result in excessive inventory and stock outs and loss of profit and goodwill. Both qualitative and quantitative methods are available to help companies forecast demand better. Since forecasts are seldom completely accurate, management must monitor forecast errors and make the necessary improvement to the forecasting process. Forecast made in isolation tend to be inaccurate. Collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment are an approach is which companies work together to develop mutually agreeable plans and take responsibility for their actions. The objectives of CPFR is to optimize the supply chain by generating a consensus demand forecast, delivering the right product at the right time to the right location, reducing inventories, avoiding stock outs, and improving customer services. Major corporations such as Wall-Mart, Warner-Lambert, and Proctor Gamble are early adopters of CPFR. Although the benefits of CPFR are well recognized, wide spread adoption has not materialized.